Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Gluten Free foods to complete Your Food List

Wondering which foods are gluten-free and which are not? That's no surprise — the gluten-free diet is extremely tricky, and gluten can hide in some very unexpected places.

If you're just starting out on the diet, it's understandable to get confused and even bewildered by food labels and ingredients lists. Of course, there will be lots of foods that are off-limits on the gluten-free diet. However, there are also plenty of foods you CAN eat.

The following list, which I've broken down into eight categories (fruit and vegetables, meat, milk and dairy products, breads and snacks, dry goods and mixes, condiments, prepared foods and beverages) will explain what you need to know to choose safe products in each category.

On the last page, I've also summarized the list, so that you can print it out and take it to the grocery store (jump directly to the printable gluten-free food list on the last page). However, I recommend you read through the explanations on the preceding pages first, so that you have a firm idea of what to buy and what to avoid. It's just really easy to make a mistake, otherwise ... trust me, I know!

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Every item on the page is gluten free. Any item if altered by a manufacturer can contain gluten. Learn to be a label reader and print out this list and the list of food containing gluten.

Take it with you everywhere and soon you will have it memorized.

The best way to eat on a gluten free diet is to eat unprocessed food. Try to avoid foods in a can, unless they are for sure gluten free. Be careful with frozen foods as many of them contain preservatives and gluten hidden within the ingredients. Generally if its prepackaged I would avoid it.

The best way to be 100% sure your food is gluten free is to buy it fresh and make it yourself.

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